How to Clean a Smelly Washing Machine Drain

If you have sulfur or rotten egg-like disgusting smell from the washing machine drain, it is definitely a suffocating issue. Again, if the washer is not installed properly, or if there is clogged debris built up in the pipe, you may have a bad smell coming from the drain. To remove the smell from your washer, you need to clean the pipe first, but how to clean a smelly washing machine drain? Let’s find out. 

Taking breath where sewer gases are available is hazardous to people, so if you smell something bad near the washer, you should clean it immediately. 

Easy Way to Clean a Washing Machine Drain:

You can clean your smelly drain in two methods— using a chemical cleanser or using a snaking tool. Both processes take some effort and time, you can choose one according to your preference.  

Cleaning The Drain with a Chemical Cleanser:

Step 1:

The drain is basically a pipe that is attached at the backside of the washing machine. The pipe consists of two different lines for cold and hot water. You will need to find out the drain and then individualize the cold and hot water lines that are usually marked with red and blue color.

Step 2:

Confer hot water to the drain, it will help to release the clogged scum that is creating a blockage to the pipe. If you frequently run the washer with hot water, it may not help you, but it may help if you run the cold cycle frequently. If your area freezes in winter, the pipes may be blocked with ice, so pouring hot water will melt the ice. 

Step 3:

Buy a cleanser that is safe for the pipes and also safe for the users. Some cleaners contain sulfuric acid that can corrode the PVC pipes and not a good product for the environment. If the pipes have small clogs, the commercial cleaners will work well for those pipes, but if your drain is completely clogged, the cleaners may not work. 

Step 4:

Detach the pipe from the washing machine and pour the cleaner into the pipe with hot water. Some machines allow you to pull the tube easily out of the machine, but you may need to do some struggle with some washers to take the tube off. If you need to unscrew the pipe from the washer, some water may come out from the machine.  

Step 5:

Once you have poured the cleaner into the drain, you should let the cleaner do their job and wait for some time. After that, flush the pipe and clean it properly. Do not wait for a very long time before flushing out as the cleaner can damage the inner pipe. Always read the directions mentioned in the package.

How to Clean a Smelly Washing Machine Drain

Once you have cleaned the washer properly, the disgusting smell should be gone with the blockage, too. But if the smell is still there, you will need to rinse it again with hot water mixed with white vinegar or some lemon juice. Also, you can use some baking soda to remove the hard water deposit. 

Cleaning the Drain with a Snaking Tool:

Step 1:

Separate the pipe from the washer. If the pipe is completely clogged, water will come out from the washer, so keep a towel and bucket on your side. The clogged drain you could not able to clean with a chemical cleanser needs a snaking tool. 

Step 2:

A snake is a cleaning tool that has a sturdy wire. The wire goes through the drain and you can rotate it with a handle. Put a snake down to the tube. There is also a key that pushes the tool into the pipe and searches for a clog. When you feel any resistance, rotate the snake using the handle and then the tool will grab the clogged debris. 

Step 3:

Pull out the snake after several turns and clean it and insert it into the pipe again if you feel the need for it. Once you are done with the process, you can pour water into the pipe to see the water flow. If you are satisfied with the result, reattach the tube with the washer. 

These are the main two methods that can remove the bad odors and blockages from the drain completely. 


1.Why does my sink drain get clogged? 

Answer: You may have a clogged drain because of some obstructions. The main causes of blockage in the drain are— soap scum, food particles, plastics, oils, hair, fats, paper, and other tiny elements. Even shaving cream, toothpaste also can create a blockage to the drain, but your sink drain and other drains like shower drain or washing machine drain will not clog with the same type of obstructions.   

2.What type of chemical is used in drain cleaners?

Answer: The most common and effective drain cleaners are acids as they act quickly and clear blockages, but they corrode the pipes and are toxic, so dangerous for the people. Also, there are enzyme cleaners that are comparatively safe for the users but they take much time to clean the pipes. The bacteria produced by the action of enzymes digest the soap scum, food particles, grease, and other substances and thus the pipes become unclogged. 

3.How can I understand if the washing machine drain has blockage inside? 

Answer: You need to observe your machine to check the blockage. Normally, your washing machine pumps the water up to the standpipe. If the water comes out from the standpipe, it may be clogged. Also, if the standpipe takes a long time to fill up with water, the drain may have a blockage.  


The sewer smell of your washing machine drain can be produced from blockages, cracked pipes, or from vent pipe. Figure out the cause as soon as you notice the smell and fix it according to the problem. If you clean the drain properly, the smell will be removed completely but, neglecting the issue will cause further damage. 

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